
Personal Insurance Products for Veterinarians

Personal Insurance for Veterinarians

While veterinarians need to take time to find the right insurance for their businesses, it's also essential to find the right personal coverage. We offer a robust variety of insurance and risk management options for both your business and personal lives.

Getting your personal insurance squared away doesn't have to be time-consuming and it can be very easy! We have partnered with Bolt Access to make obtaining personal insurance fast and easy! Simply apply online and we can help get the protection you deserve!

To apply online click here!

400x300 Home


Though your practice might feel like your home away from home, your actual home should have insurance too! Emergencies don’t wait for anyone, and it’s better to prepare for unfortunate situations like house fires or damage caused by inclement weather.

400x300 Car

Personal Auto

As a veterinarian, you’ll likely put a few miles on your car, running back and forth from your practice. Cars are almost a necessity in a world where public transport isn’t always easily accessible. You should insure your vehicle to protect against damages that could occur in the event of an accident. Most states also require that drivers have insurance.

Even outside of its requirement, car insurance can prove useful. You can’t always prevent an accident, but even if you aren’t at fault, you could get stuck with a nasty bill for repairs without the right coverage on your automobile insurance.

400x300 Recreational


You can’t spend all your time at the clinic, and when you have those few moments of downtime, you need to make sure your recreational equipment has insurance so that your fun isn’t spoiled.

If you enjoy boating, biking, riding ATVs, or own an RV, recreational insurance can protect your gear if something unexpected happens. Don’t let a vehicular mishap get in the way of your relaxation on your vacation.

400x300 Umbrella


All policies have their limits, and it can be frustrating when costs to repair damages exceed what your insurance covers. Umbrella insurance coverage exists to extend the limits of your basic policy coverage to prevent situations like this.

No matter where your coverage stops with your basic policy, umbrella coverage then goes into effect as a second layer of insurance of up to $1,000,000. Your spouse and anyone else in your household will also receive protection under your umbrella insurance coverage. Consider umbrella insurance coverage for your veterinary practice as well.

400x300 Flood


You might think that your typical home insurance would cover devastating natural events such as floods, but frequently they won’t. You will need additional coverage on your policy to protect your home against damages that may occur if it floods.

If your home and practice are in an area that historically floods regularly, you should consider adding flood coverage to your personal and business policies.

Contact Vetinsure for More Information

For more about the types of personal insurance available for veterinarians, contact Vetinsure at 800-272-1249. You can also contact Vetinsure online by completing the form on the Contact Us page to let the staff know how they can be of service.